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Geyseco Technology
Our basic aim is to provide associations and events with innovative tools for their future success. We endeavour to make innovation the key factor to competitiveness and leadership.
Grupo Geyseco is a leader in ITC and puts its own technical resources at the disposal of clients: Interactive Voting System (Audience Response System), Global Online Congress Management System and Electronic Posters System among others.
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Interactive voting system:
Interactive voting is a system in which the speakers ask the audience several multiple-choice questions. The participants vote the most appropriate answer.
Con la capacidad de asumir y desarrollar para cada proyecto, un paquete global de elementos totalmente personalizados y adaptados a la descripción y briefing de cada cliente, aportamos un valor diferencial a cada evento: Innovando en diseño, en la forma de presentarlo..
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On-line management:
Grupo Geyseco has developed the Global Congress Online Management System, a powerful tool specially designed to give high performance
And quality of the management of the scientific meetings, and which facilitates and improves all the procedures, not only for the attendees but also for the committees (evaluation of papers, the sharing of internal documents, etc.)
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Own technology tools
Grupo Geyseco has its own ITC department
that evaluates processes and procedures, and proposes innovations, solutions and the necessary tools for every project; all with its own staff and up-to-date resources.
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Our design and ITC team is specialized in the programming, graphic design, creation and development of websites.
Our ability to take on and develop for every project a global package of tailor-made components each suited to the requirements laid down by our client means we contribute added value to each event, both in its design and in the way it is presented.
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Electronic posters
You get the most proven and efficient application developed and owned by Group Geyseco, for the creation of electronic posters e- posters
which (unlike the traditional printed paper printed mounted on panels) are displayed in the congress computers and screens at the digital e¬ poster station. This up-to date system features an unlimited number of images, videos and texts.
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GEYSECO © 1984-2012