Associate Professor, Head of the Radiology Department and Head Teacher at the University Hospital of Basurto, Bilbao.
Professor at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Colorado. Director of the Exercise Physiology and Human Performance lab at the University of Colorado.
Professor Maria Stokes joined the University of Southampton in 2004 and leads
the Active Living Technologies Research Group in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Her research interest is in musculoskeletal health, specifically in exercise to maintain healthy joints and mobility.
Director of the Ultrasound Group Ecografías América in Madrid.
Academic training began in sciences and physical education and recreation before being admitted and completing a physical therapy degree at the University of Alberta.
Worked clinically as a physical therapist, primarily in musculoskeletal private practice, for 21 years in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia. During that time received certifications in manual and manipulative therapy (FCAMPT), acupuncture (CAFCI), dry needling (CGIMS) and ultrasound imaging as well as recognition as one of eight original clinical specialists in musculoskeletal physical therapy by the Canadian Physical Therapy Association.
Completed a PhD in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation for a project entitled 'Ultrasound Imaging of the Abdominal Muscles and Bladder: Implications for the Clinical Assessment of Individuals with Lumbopelvic Pain' from the University of Southampton, UK.
After postdoctoral work at the University of Calgary (Faculty of Kinesiology) joined the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Department of Physical therapy as an Assistant Professor and Research Director of the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic.
Currently hold adjunct positions in the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary.
Current research areas of interest are: biomechanics of the scapula, assessment and rehabilitation of scapular muscle dysfunction, the role of rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) in the assessment and rehabilitation of muscle dysfunction, childhood disability, physical activity and participation in children with disability, measurement of physical activity, and disability in developing countries. Previous areas of research activities include clinical education.
Areas of Research
- Motor control training for those with low back pain
- The use of ultrasound imaging in rehabilitation
- The effectiveness of motor control training for elite athletes
- Muscle imbalance in elite athletes
- Innovative use of imaging techniques in physiotherapy teaching
- Prevention of low back pain and musculoskeletal disorders
Prof Paul Hodges directs the Centre of Research Excellence in Spinal Pain Injury and Health at the University of Queensland. His ground breaking research into low back pain, lumbopelvic control and ultrasound imaging provides the original foundation for much of the application of ultrasound imaging to lumbopelvic pain.
Dr. Koppenhaver received his Masters of Physical Therapy degree from the U.S. Army/Baylor University Graduate Program in 1998, and a PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Utah in 2009. He became board certified in Orthopedic Physical Therapy in 2001 and completed a fellowship in manual therapy through Regis University in 2009. Dr. Koppenhaver is a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army and is currently serving as Research Director of the U.S. Army/Baylor University Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy. He has published approximately 40 manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and received over $1,000,000 in grant funding for studies primarily concerning low back pain, spinal manipulation, dry needling, and the use of ultrasound imaging in the measurement of trunk muscle function. Additionally Dr. Koppenhaver co-authored an internationally selling textbook entitled Netter’s Orthopaedic Clinical Examination: An Evidence Based Approach and was recently awarded the Army Medical Specialist Corps Researcher of the Year. His primary research interests concern mechanistic and clinical outcomes associated with manual therapy and dry needing, especially as they apply to clinical reasoning and management of patients with neuromusculoskeletal conditions.
Richard has worked at AUT since 2007, having worked part-time as a teaching assistant whilst enrolled in a master's degree. He is now a Senior Lecturer within the Department of Physiotherapy teaching at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. Richard's specialist areas of teaching are musculoskeletal physiotherapy, manual therapy and ultrasound imaging.
Richard completed his PhD in 2011. His thesis focused on the assessment of sciatic nerve movement and biomechanics during neural mobilization exercises. Subsequently his research has continued to focus on the assessment and management of peripheral nerve dysfunction, assessment of peripheral nerve biomechanics. Having used ultrasound imaging through his thesis, another area of research interest is the use of ultrasound imaging for musculoskeletal imaging and as a tool to enhance physiotherapy practice and rehabilitation. He leads the Musculoskeletal Imaging Unit, as part of the Health and Rehabilitation Research Institute (HRRI) here at AUT. He supervises both master's and PhD students within a variety of musculoskeletal-based topics.
Outside of AUT, Richard is the President of the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapy Association (NZMPA) and a member of the teaching faculty of NZMPA. He is an Associate Editor of the New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Physiotherapy degree at Universidad de La Coruña and Universidad de Vigo
- Postgraduate degree on Articular Manipulative Physiotherapy at Universidad de La Coruña
- Postgraduate degree on obstetric and urigynecologic physiotherapy ay Universidad de Sevilla
- Master degree on Research and Healthcare at Universidad de La Coruña
- Professor at multiple Spanish Universities
-Director of the Pelvic Floor Unit at Clínica Optimme La Coruña
Chartered Physiotherapist, clinician, researcher, lecturer and writer. She works clinically and consults to elite sports bodies and athletes including the Football Association and professional teams. Speaker at national and international conferences and workshops related to movement, pelvic floor function and pain. Co-editor with Leon Chaitow: Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction: Practical Physical Medicine, published by Elsevier 2012.
Completed her PhD in 2010 @ Southampton University, UK in collaboration with Stanford University, California, USA which evaluated dynamic pelvic floor muscle function. The team developed software for use with dynamic ultrasound, in order to promote further understanding of Pelvic floor muscle function. She has a special interest in chronic pelvic pain and related movement dysfunction.
Director of the Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Director of the Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy and Dry Needling at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Physiotherapy degree at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Master Degree on Manual Physiotherapy of the locomotive system, and PhD on Manual Physiotherapy by the Universidad de Alcalá. Master Degree on Osteopathic Manual Physiotherapy by the Universidad de Valladolid. Expert on Sports Physiotherapy and Musculoskeletal Echography.
- Professor at European University. His current research fields are myofascial pain síndrome, minimally invasive physiotherapy and musculoskeletal echography.
- President of the Asociación Española de Dolor Miofascial y Punción Seca and Vice-President of the Sociedad Española de Ecografía en Fisioterapia.
- Author of multiple lectures on national and international congresses, as well as articles on journals as Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy (Q3), Aging and Disease (Q1), and Journal of Mental HealthNursing (Q1).
Prof. Dr. at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Researcher on Physiotherapy, Manual Therapy and Dry Needling at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Degree on Physiotherapy at UAB, she works at University Hospital Dr Josep Trueta and is member of the Rachis Commission at Gerona (Spain).
Expert on Musculoskeletal Echography and leading professional on Fibromyalgia.
Degree on Physiotherapy at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Master Degree on Motor Neurocontrol at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and he is nowadays doctoral candidate at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. He has also studied in Canada with Dr. Jackie Whittaker and in Dublin with Dr. Maria Stokes.
Professor at multiple Universities in Madrid, he is co-founding member of the Sociedad Española de Ecografía de Fisioterapia and current president.
Dr. Álvaro Iborra Marcos,DPM,PT,
Specialist on interventionism and echo-guided surgery. First podiatric to be awarded by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
Prof. Juan Mesa Jiménez
Director of Mesalud 2000. Graduated in physiotherapy. He has a degree in Kinesiology and physical medicine, and is currently PhD student in medicine. P
rofessor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University CEU San Pablo.
Director, Professor, co-founder and researcher at the prestigious official Master
of Orofacial Pain and Craniomandibular Dysfunction, at the
Universidad CEU San Pablo.
IHe is Instructor and co-founder of Integrative Craneocervicofacial Therapy (ICRACEFT CONCEPT).
He has trained several specialists (dentists, physiotherapists and medical) via master's degree in orofacial and craniofacial pain.
He is a physical therapist specializing in the treatment of the orofacial pain, craniomandibular dysfunction
and headaches with more than 20 years of experience.
Author and lecturer of articles with high impact in the world's most prestigious
journals, chapters of books, courses and lectures in 4 continents. He has directed
over 80 undergraduate and graduate research work pieces. He currently directs
the craneocervicofacial pain research laboratory at the school of Medicine of
the Universidad CEU San Pablo and coordinates several associated research
lines within this discipline.
Noteworthy is his training and experience in semiinvasive guided techniques with
ultrasound in dry needling and acupuncture, neural therapy with dry needle for
15 years in the treatment of craniofacial pain.
He has also been director, teacher and student of university postgraduate course
in clinical Psychoneuroimmunology, using this knowledge at his clinical practice
for the treatment of craniofacial pain through nutritional recommendations,
cognitive-behavioural changes, orthomolecular therapy and regenerative therapy.
He is member of several national and international scientific societies including
the Spanish society of Orofacial Pain and Craniomandibular Dysfunction,
the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy and Pain, the Spanish Society of Pain,
and European Academy of Craniofacial Pain.
Dr David Andrew Bong
David Andrew Bong is a boardcertified
affiliated with the Instituto Poal de Reumatologia in
Barcelona, Spain and, previously The Vancouver Clinic in
Vancouver, Washington, USA. He is also an Associate
Professor of Anatomy at the University of BarcelonaBellvitge
Dr Bong completed his Medicine degree at the University of
Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (Madison,
USA) before completing training in Internal Medicine at
Indiana University Hospitals (Indianapolis, USA) and fellowship training in Rheumatology at
Oregon Health Sciences University (Portland, USA).
Dr Bong is a founding fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and is a past
President of the Northwest Rheumatism Society (Seattle, USA). He is also a member of the
Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER) and holds medical licensure in Spain and is a
member of the Official Medical College of Barcelona (COMB). He has been a member of the
annual EULAR Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Faculty since 2010 and an organizer/faculty of
the Barcelona Sonoanatomy Course since 2009. He is a member of the EULAR Working
Group of Anatomy for the Image. He holds Level 3 Certifiication of Musculoskeletal
Ultrasound CompetencyRheumatology
with the European Federation of Societies for
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB)
Luis Fernández Rosa
Rafael Jesús Ortega Pérez
• Degree on Physiotherapy.
Experiencia Profesional
▪ Professor Tutor of practices at the University of Granada and the University of Jaén.
▪ Specialist in ecoguided advanced physiotherapy, functional assessment with ultrasound, echo-guided Neural work, evaluation and regenerative physioterapy on soft tissues and elastographic evaluation.