Start AbstractsThe Scientfic Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for consideration at the 2nd International Symposium in Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging.
1. Abstracts must be submitted in English.2. All authors are required to submit their abstract(s) online.
3. Abstracts should be no longer than 2.500 characters including spaces. Structure the text using the following headings: Background – Methods - Results - Conclusions
4. Any late or inappropriately formatted submissions will be rejected.
5. Deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2016.
Once the submission deadline is concluded, the first author will receive by email an automatic confirmation with a reference abstract number. This number will be needed for any inquiries.
Attention: if you do not receive an automatic message after submission, please, drop us an email immediately: comunicaciones@geyseco.es
1. Scientific Committee will review all submitted abstracts and will decide the final presentation form of each abstract: Oral presentation or Poster.2. After the review period, authors will be informed about their acceptance via email.
3. These will be notified about the decision made by the Scientific Committee at the end of May, 2016.
Accepted abstracts data (title and authors) will be published online.Submissions that do not conform to the established format will not be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.
Abstract submission constitutes the author(s)’ consent to have the abstracts published in the Abstract Book.
ORAL PRESENTATIONS The Scientific Committee will invite authors of selected abstracts to make an oral presentation at the Scientific Presentation sessions.Information about oral presentation will be communicated to authors of the selected papers.
POSTER Accepted posters will be displayed on boards in the enabled area of the venue.
Poster must be printed with the following dimensions: 1,20 m (height) x 0,90 m (wide)
Each board will be numbered with the abstract reference number.
Posters should be hung during the 1º day of the congress or in the morning of the 2º day. Posters will remain up during the whole conference. All poster presenters are expected to remain near their posters during this poster session to answer questions that other attendees may have.
Posters should be dismantled at the end of the congress. Any remaining poster will be discarted by the technical staff.
The 2nd International Symposium in Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging will provide 6 awards.ORAL PRESENTATIONS:
1st AWARD - 1.500 €2nd AWARD - 1.000 €
3rd AWARD - 500 €
1st AWARD - 500 €2nd AWARD - 400 €
3rd AWARD - 300 €