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Geyseco Congress Market Trend for 2017

December 2016

We could not be more proud of our achievements for this year that is about to end. The different teams that work in the company are really grateful to our clients for their trust. Most of them already belong to Geyseco ´s universe and those that are working with us for the first time in 2017 are almost considered as part of our “ Geyseco´s family".

We wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to every Board of Directors, National and international Congress ´Committees and to all our customers. 


Being aware that the trend in the Spanish Congress market  is the continual division of new travel & communication agencies that land at the profesional Congress Organization Companies we continue year after year fostering loyalty among new customers. Our most sincere gratitude to all of them. 

November 2016

Several years ago, Grupo Geyseco could foreseen the needs of our clients and we are currently leading the scientific market with regard to projects counseling and implementation as an Institutional Secretariat.

There is no single agent related to scientific events that could not see the importance of continuing medical education and training.


Our relationship with the Vall d´hebron Hospital in Barcelona clearly exemplifies this. Both institutions work on a daily basis not only for the implementation of  scientific and medical ongoing education but also for the development of new projects of training activities processes and formats to improve their design ,models,  learning experiences and knowledge .


In 2017 we will continue to work on several Aula Vall D ´Hebron projects like the Course on Fetal Medicine, Course on  updates in Vaccines , etc.


A must Paradigm

October 2016

In May, Barcelona will be the setting for the annual National Neurosurgery Congress (SENEC). Like in August , (that holy month in which everything seems to be beaches, mountains, holidays and relax) we visualize the design of a new project entrusted to our company for 2017.

Please explore their website

That highlights the latest advances in the neurosciences and neurosurgical education at a high national and international level.  Dr. Conesa, Dr. Gabarros and Dr. Lafuente, Congress chairmen have chosen the Congress theme :  “Preservation of Neurological function : a must paradigm “.  This 21st SENEC Congress edition will be held at the CCIB Barcelona International Convention Center and the SENEC is an essential opportunity to strengthen professional and personal ties with the American Society Congress of Neurological Surgeons CNS and the Society of British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) that will play an active role in the Congress. 


To Grupo Geyseco, this project is a new challenge to take a close look to our own know-how and added value with specialists related to Oncology, Neuroanatomy, Pediatrics, Traumatology,

Neurosciences neurosurgical education and neurotrauma, among others.


Worldwide Scientific Epicenter

September 2016

In some months time, in Toledo it will be held one of the most important well-known scientific events. WorldLeish, the Worldwide Congress of Leshmaniasis. This is the new assignment for the organizational profile of Grupo Geyseco as Professional Congress Organizer. This is an event with a remarkable scientific acknowledgement. It is hold every 4 years and organizations such as WHO and Bill Gates Foundation are involved.

We want to express our gratitude to Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative Foundation (DNDi) and to Carlos III Institute  as well, for their support to Grupo Geyseco to lead the organizational process  of this 6th edition of the event that brings together thousands of specialists of Leishmaniasis related diseases. We will keep you updated with more news about the project. 


How to make a congress grow year after year. Epidemiology & Geyseco

September 2016

Year by year the Congress of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) (which Technical Secretariat is managed by Grupo Geyseco ) has excellent results. This regular growth is not just a question of fate but of balancing a great team in the society management, in their educational processes. It is also a customer that has confidence and works in the appropriate direction to give a professional status to any of their landmarks.

We are proud to underline the success of the XXXIV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology and the joint meeting of the XI Congress of the Portuguese Society of Epidemiology (SEE APE Meeting) in Sevilla. The Congress theme this year has been: “ Epidemiology for the health in every policy”. More than 900 papers have been received which includes presentations from South and Latin America, a great number of participants have been registered which makes a milestone in the Epidemiology and Public Health meetings held in Spain. 


DNA of Multdisiciplinar Congresses

September 2016

Once back to school after the holidays, we have the privilege to announce a new project for our company. The interdisciplinary Congress on Human Genetics. Our relationship with Human Genetics is frequent since long time ago. Congresses, Associations, web sites, social networks, mass media , continuing education , workshops among others make this event projects and combines all that is needed to end up as a relevant scientific and successful meeting.

There are eight months left for Madrid and Novotel Madrid Center to host a new concept of Genetics related meetings in our country. There are five associations organizing the congress: The Society of Human Genetics (AEGH), The Spanish Association of Prenatal Diagnosis(AEDP),The Spanish Society of Human Genetics and Clinical Dysmorphology (SEGCD) , The Spanish Society of Genetic counseling (SEAGen)and the Spanish Society of Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics (SEFF). All of them have selected our company to develop this educational project. Thank you all for their trust.


Double Challenge, Double satisfaction . Psychiatry feast and celebration

March 2016

It could be that for a Professional Congress Organizer, a Congress in a middle of a major popular festivity might mean a headache, but also a challenge not to be missed. Moreover, if the challenge proves to attract the most important specialists in different psychiatric areas the challenge is even stronger and more attractive. It happened to our company. In May from 26th to 28th 2016 , we had the opportunity and pleasure to organize the XI National Congress of Personality Disorders in the wonderful city of Toledo. (We first had the chance to organize it two years ago in Barcelona).


Simultaneously, thousands of tourists from all over the world visited the city and mixed and mingle in this unique Spanish National Festivity of Corpus Christy which is full of beauty and tradition and it is considered one of its kind, declared of International Touristic Interest as well.


We thank The Organizing Committee and Dr. Jose Luis Carrasco for his reliability and making that easy working together. If your journey partner wants to surpass himself, no matter the challenge , it will make it even easier .

Institutional Technical Secretariat: A reference in the National market

January 2016

Although our clients use to hire our services as Professional Congress Organization, for the professionalization of their Associations or  the development of their continuing educational activities, many health sciences and scientific related companies want us to lead the positioning of their own entities. A good example is our continuous cooperation with the prestigious Clinica Creu Blanca. Fruit of this collaboration is the new educational project they have entrusted us with. 


On this occasion, the catalan health institution hold an event in April 2016 about Prostate Cancer.Urologists,  radiologists and general faculty attended the Meeting  from a multidisciplinary point of view.  They presented  a summation of advances in the field of prostate Cancer.


Time for the Hip and Pelvis Course. Imaging Diagnosis and ultrasound

December 2015

After some years of work in the development and continuous training and educational exchange in the Ultrasound Courses , with the specialists Dr. Balius, Dr. Corominas, Dr. Pedret and Dr. Permanyer , now it is time to leading a new project devoted to  the review and update on the Hip and Pelvis Ultrasonography techniques. 


The previous Courses´ themes were US in hand and wrist, and  feet and ankle. The hip and pelvis Course will provide Practical sessions  on- site for the Course duration on 18th and 19th October for all the participants, showing the latest research, and emerging technologies previously shown by the Lecturers at the Course . 


Every single mile run in this race is dedicated to the little ones

October 2015

“Your miles give us life”A concept that Grupo Geyseco´s designed years ago for the Hematology  and Pediatric Oncology Society. One of the best news we could offer, and that we are most proud of. 


Year after year,  (the project  of the race “your miles give us life” goes better and better going over our expectations.  In the race organized the 18th of October in Sevilla more than 4.000 runners run 5 kilometers to help those children in need of help. 


A 100% of all the funds raised will be set aside for the Cancer research. The latest race organized in Santander by Grupo Geyseco was a great success. 


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