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More than 800 participants from Spanish-Latin America in our congress in Santiago

September 2015

More than 800 participants in the II Spanish-Latin American Congress on Epidemiology and Public Health held in Santiago de Compostela is a great successes. Congratulations to the team!

800 Ibero-american epidemiologists in Santiago approached the Ebola crisis and the challenge of population ageing on the sustainability of health systems and the impact of new technologies in the management of chronic diseases and in the treatment of patients, among others.


Also the issues as an organization of work systems to maximize results, the cost and the reality of diabetes, research for the prevention and control of smoking, alcohol and public health, road traffic injuries and policies as well as immigration and health studies, vaccines, bioethics and 'Big Data' (risks of personal data use and marketing in the context of massive data technologies) were approached.


SOLCUG 2017 Leaders in Valencia.

September 2015

Once again , Grupo Geyseco will manage the organization of a worldwide Congress in Valencia, the Turia river´s capital. 


These latest years we have organized some international Conferences and Meetings and the forthcoming one of  SOLCUG 2017 will be held in Valencia.  This International event is a Joint Conference about the cultivation of  Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Genomics  experts in the growing and crop of coffee, potatoes, marrows, etc. 


Hundreds of researches, both national and  international, Spanish farmers as  leaders in horticultural crop production,  scientists  from all over the world  will meet in Valencia to underline the susbstantial progress the  scientific communities have achieved in their understanding of the genetic diversity and molecular genetics programs  in these two important families of plants and other interspecies. The organizers are putting together an excellent scientific program that will cover all the recent developments in the genomics research including both basic and applied aspects. 


Welcome RUSI 2016

August 2015

After a short but needed holidays we returned with batteries fully charged and received one of the best news we could have: Geyseco Group was chosen from several international companies as the Technical Secretariat of the 2nd International Meeting on Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging (RUSI).

This event, held in June 2016 in the suburb of Madrid- Pozuelo de Alarcon, attracted five hundred specialists from all around the world and will be a scientific milestone in the national physiotherapy and its connection with the ultrasound. We deeply appreciate Dr. Samuel Fernandez´s, president of the Organizing Committee of RUSI 2016 and president of the Spanish Society of Physiotherapy Ultrasound, decision of trusting us in organizing and developing this premier world congress.



Radiología, Radiology... Radiòlegs!!!

July 2015

Speaking of Radiology is talking about Geyseco, and vice versa. While not long ago we published on this web site that our company embarked on very interesting projects like the organization of the International Course on Kidney Tumour Ablation (ICKTA) in Barcelona or VIII CENORA Congress in Leon, we have the great pleasure to announce that we have been selected as the Official Technical Secretariat of Radiòlegs Association of Catalonia (RAC), in both of its activities: scientific and management and development.


After the success of the Sixth National Congres of Radiòlegs de Catalunya which was held last May, the Board of RdC,  led and chaired by Dr. Maria Teresa Maristany i Daunert, has put the confidence of his prestigious institution in the hands of Geyseco Group for the upcoming years with an aim to not only  continue the leadership of Catalan radiologists specialists but also to double efforts to achieve greater transparency, development and the added value for its members.

We want to thank RdC for their trust in us. We trust them. Radiology, Radiology ... and Radiòlegs.


ICKTA 2015

June 2015

In this November the city of Barcelona will witness the International Course on Kidney Tumour Ablation (ICKTA). Over two days, in the venue of the Hotel Catalonia Barcelona Plaza, both attendees and the large number of collaborators and sponsors will enjoy the program designed by Drs. Jean-Michel Correas, Xavier Serres and Enrique Trilla. We congratulate them and greatly appreciate the confidence they have showed to Geyseco Group while organizing the third edition of this event.


This  prestigious international conference will unite specialists of both- global radiology and urology, in two Hands-On Workshop with a high practical and technological performances. For more information consult:


Think globally and act locally

May 2015

The title of the training that will be held on June 4  is the Working Group of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE) held in the city of Valencia.

Group Geyseco organize III DAY SURVEILLANCE OF PUBLIC HEALTH which will endorse the Assembly Hall of the Ministry of Health of the Generalitat Valenciana current topics related to epidemiological surveillance, in aspects like ebola or cancer, among others.

We thank for the confidence that SEE has in our professionals when developing their continuous training.

For more information:


Those who don't jump will never fly.

April 2015

Geyseco group has begun and new project this April. The Spanish Association of Podiatric Surgery (SAPS) has selected our company as promoter of the professionalization of its scientific entity and as the Technical Secretariat of its activities.

Digging into the world of Podiatric surgery and having the opportunity to professionalize society is certainly unique and exciting experience because with this collaboration we maintain the link between the present and the future. 


We thank all the Board of the AECP and especially its president, Dr. Javier Torralva, for your trust in us to advise and implement technical processes towards parameters as relevant as the modernization and innovation in congresses, visualization and search for synergies with strategic sectors or increase added value to partners. 


March 2015

In the third week of February Geyseco group has achieved a new milestone. The challenge of five conferences on a four-day margin has been rewarded not only in the visibility but have raised the number of attendance and sponsorship then in its previous editions. Granada, Barcelona and Valencia. Neuroradiology, Pediatrics, Breast Cancer, Geriatrics and Radiology. All these concepts have a common denominator- strategy and training to reach a constant added value.


Congratulations to the five Committees Organizers and the institutions they represent for making our services useful, modern and with future.


How to double the attendance in a congress

February 2015

The XVII Conference where the Spanish Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology has broken all the records. The exquisite work together with the entity in the scientific program planning, the desire to promote the event in other media where it had not been published before, personalized attention, agility of our technology, among other factors, these are the main keys of success to double the number of attendance in  SERME event which has been organised every year.


We leave graphic documentation of the congress being held in the city of Granada. We are proved of the many compliments we're getting these days. Only with the passion comes success.

Award for the service of Pediatrics of the University Hospital Chiron Dexeus

January 2015

Our congratulations to the service of Pediatrics of the Hospital Universitario Dexeus Chiron, which has been awarded with one of the prizes of the professional excellence of this year, granted by the College of Physicians of Barcelona (COPB).

We continue to work on its 29th Ambulatory Pediatric Day to be held in Barcelona on 21 February and we expect also a great success.


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