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Grupo Geyseco gives support to new professionals

November 2012

The last October, young students of Travel Agencies and Events Management courses, from IES Benlliure, have visited our headquarters.

In their planning of activities, they have scheduled some visits to leading companies in Events Management, and they chose Grupo Geyseco to extend their training.

Geyseco organized a general lecture about the company and its background and, later, each Department explained broadly the tasks and working protocols to be followed.

After the technical information, we lay out a practical activity dividing them into groups, trying to list the basic guidelines of an event and solving their doubts. We finally delivered sample material normally used in congresses.

They were thrilled with the experience. The Tutor of IES Benlliure let us know it and all the students thanked the attention payed by all the staff.  

1st Spanish Breast Congress

November 2012

Grupo Geyseco is the selected company to held this important event that gathers together two notable Medical Companies to join forces against the different breast pathologies.

Breast Pathologies and particularly breast cancer, is a problem that in general terms requires significant multidisciplinary attention with multiple variables, both human and material .
However, the multiplicity of scientific events, leads to repetition of scientific topics and talks, which complicates the assistance of the professionals concerned and may cause deterioration of the success in every way.
For this reason, 'la Sociedad Española de Senología y Patología Mamaria' (SESPM) and the 'Sociedad Española de Diagnóstico por la Imagen en Mama' (SEDIM) had the idea to held a national event that would bring together all the scientific societies that contribute to breast health, to increase the scientific benefit thereof.
Both societies trust the professional team of Grupo Geyseco to manage the 1st Spanish Breast Conference.
It could not be otherwise, we’ve introduced this important event at two relevant conferences:
•             12th and 13th of October in Barcelona at the European Society of Breast Imaging Annual Scientific Meeting of the (EUSOBI)
•             18th to 20th of October in Barcelona at the XXXI Conference organized by the 'Sociedad Española de Senología y Patología Mamaria' (SESPM) , were there was a draw for 10 registrations to the 1st Spanish Breast Conference.
Thus we mark the starting point of this ambitious project, a new challenge for GEYSECO GROUP.

Grupo Geyseco with International presence

October 2012

The 22nd Biannual International Congress on Thrombosis in Nice, the 12 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Diagnóstico por Imagen del Abdomen (SEDIA) in Portugal and the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment (EFITA) in Turin, strengthen our international presence and management.

This month, Geyseco staff dealt with the challenge of organizing with great success the 22nd Biannual International Congress on Thrombosis in Nice. More than 800 people were met in this beautiful French city to discuss the main progresses of treatments related with thrombosis. The lucky members of Geyseco team who travelled to Nice had the opportunity to enjoy the city as well as to share with atendants some days of intense work.

The Congress went perfetcly, due to the quality of presentations and to the great management of moderators and Organising Committee members.

After a few days, we travelled to Lisbon to attend the “12 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Diagnóstico por Imagen del Abdomen (SEDIA)” (12th Congress of Spanish Society of Abdomen Diagnostic Imaging). This time the Portuguese capital kindly welcomed us both in the SEDIA Congress holding  and in the “Taller de Carcinoma Hepatocelular” (Hepatocellular Carcinoma Workshop). Both events had a great success.

All these activities, along with the next organisation of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture Food and Environment (EFITA) in Turin, consolidates Geyseco’s Internatinal management.

Valencia, the epicenter of Thrombosis in 2014

October 2012

As a Management Company of the Mediterranean League Against Thromboemboelic Diseases (MLTD), Grupo Geyseco is taking the first steps towards managing the 2014 International Congress on Thrombosis.

After recent organization of the 2012 International Congress on Thrombosis in Nice, Valencia Convention Center has been selected for holding the twenty-third edition, event which attended by over a thousand cardiologists, hematologists and researchers interested in hypertension, neurology and internal medicine among others subject areas. 
Guided by our daily work and commitment to the development and professionalization of the MLTD, it’s an honor to host that event in Spain, country internationally recognized all over the scientific world, by recognized speakers, high quality presentations and scientific novelties.  

Universal Management, global success. Next stop: Turin,(It). October 2012

October 2012

As years go by, the presence of Grupo Geyseco at an International level is more active, both in the management of Congress organization and in that of Scientific Associations.

Last week, during the cellebration of the International Congress on Thrombosis ( that was held at the french city of Niza, we  were honoured with the visit of Professors Remigio Berruto and Patrizia Busato, from the "Dipartamento di Economia e Ingegneria Agraria, Forestale e Ambientale (DEIAFA)" of the city of Turin (Italy).
Both scientits, responsible for the Congress of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA), trusted Geyseco the management, development and organization of such a prestigious event to be held in Turin, (Italy ) on June 2013.
We do thank the trust that EFITA 2013 Organizing Committee has  placed on our company.


September 2012

The Marbella Conference Center will be the framework where the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR) has chosen for the venue of the meeting on 2013.

This meeting will bring together more than 500 radiologists and specialists related on the human skeleton knowledge in the Andalusian city.

Once again, Geyseco Group and the  International Radiology have reached a collaboration agreement  in order to manage the local organization of this worldwide congress, called the ESSR Anual Scientific Meeting 2013.

We further wish to express our esteem to Dr. Mario Padrón, ESSR 2013 local president and to the whole staff of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology for allowing us to carry out this event.

Great Success of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012. August 2012

July 2012

Our team at the Audiovisual Dept. has set up a video of the International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012.

We, at Grupo GEYSECO have enjoyed organizing this great Congress and we want to thank over 1000 participants and specially the Committees that have worked so much with us.

We have received more than 1600 papers, beyond expectations. 714 free papers were presented in 14 parallel rooms as well as 815 posters.

We also had the opportunity to share a nice leisure time at the Congress dinner where 600 people attended. Finally more than 200 people visited the beautiful wine cellars, made technical visits to farmhouses, silos, plants of fresh wrapped vegetables ...

A perfect end for a great event!

A conference to meet the needs of two renowned Societies. July 2013

July 2012

We are pleased to announce the assignment to GROUP GEYSECO of a new challenge for the coming year. This is the VII Iberian Congress of Agro Engineering and Horticultural Science, a project that, in 2013, represent the union of two pretigious national associations that also enjoy an international reputation.

The Spanish Society of Agroingeniería and the Spanish Society for Horticultural Science will held in Madrid from 26 to 29 August, a massive event that aims to unite all specialists and students related to Agroingeniería and Horticultural Science.

We would like to thank the Organizing Committee for trusting GEYSECO GROUP to manage, develop and optimize this congress. We believe that the coming months will be full of illusion, news and, above all, a lot of work for the VII Iberian Congress of Horticultural Science Agro Engineering. We expect this Conference to be remembered by the audience for its scientific content and quality in the organization.

SEHOP & GEYSECO, joined by the little ones´ well-being July 2012

July 2012

It is a great joy for Grupo Geyseco to announce in our official web that during the first days of July, the Spanish Association of Haematology and Pediatric Oncology Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas (SEHOP) has officially nominated our company for the management of both its Association and Foundation.

In the next years both entities will combine their efforts so that the SEHOP diversify and profesionalize all its resources,formation,visibility and potential, and also we will help in some way the youngests affected by these diseases to have a better quality of life.

Our gratitude for the reliability placed on us from the Board of Directors of the SEHOP.



The TLP Symposium Organizing Committee reaffirms its confidence in Geyseco Group 2013. June 2012

June 2012

The Organizing Committee of the Symposium on Borderline Personality Disorder recently organized at the Hospital General de Catalunya, with over 150 attendees, reaffirms its confidence in our company again for the organization of the 2013 Symposium.

From Group Geyseco we would like to thank Dr. Gasol the opportunity provided and we are proud to incorporate this event to our portfolio of regular customers that year after year allow us to develop, improve and enhance the success of your project.

For the V Symposium TLP we have great expectations, hoping to overcome the next 15 to 16 February 2013, the level achieved in the previous edition.

Geyseco Gestion Sociedades y organización congresos

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