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Registration opened for the “Solidarity Race for the Fight Against Pedriatic Cancer. Your kilometres give us Life!”

April 2013

Registrations for the “Carrera Solidaria Lucha Contra el Cáncer Infantil, ¡tus kilómetros nos dan Vida!” are already opened. Launched by SEHOP Foundation (“Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas”, Spanish Association of Haematology and Pediatric Oncology), it will be held in May 26th in Plaza de España, Seville (Spain), at 10:00 am. They are just 5 kilometres that could help a lot of children in their daily fight. The aim of this race is to raise funds for the SEHOP caring project, in order to develop and enhance scientific investigation, asistance quality and the consolidation of the development of the “Registro Nacional de Tumores Infantiles” (National Register of Pediatric Cancer).

Registrations for the “Carrera Solidaria Lucha Contra el Cáncer Infantil, ¡tus kilómetros nos dan Vida!” are already opened.  Launched by SEHOP Foundation (“Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas”, Spanish Association of Haematology and Pediatric Oncology), it will be held in May 26th in Plaza de España, Seville (Spain), at 10:00 am. They are just 5 kilometres that could help a lot of children in their daily fight. The aim of this race is to raise funds for the SEHOP caring project, in order to develop and enhance scientific investigation, asistance quality and the consolidation of the development of the “Registro Nacional de Tumores Infantiles” (National Register of Pediatric Cancer).

The people of Seville, from children to adults, could help running 5km starting and finishing in Plaza de España to combat against pediatric cancer  next May 26th. SEHOP Foundation also celebrates this same weekend its VI Annual National Congress, and organises this race in order to give the collected money with the selling of race numbers to its caring projects. With the slogan “Your kilometres give us Life!”, around 2000 Sevillian people could participate and support this cause, running by the surroundings of Plaza de España and Maria Luisa Park, in collaboration with the “Instituto Municipal de Deportes” and the “Distrito Sur” from Seville city Council.
Registrations for the race can be done until May 22th 2013, in the webpage or until the end of the 2000 race numbers available. Race numbers for adults (5 km) costs 8 €, and 6 € for children. Children will run 800 metres (8 to 12 years old). The children’s race starts at 10:00 am and adults’ at 11:00 am.

Solidary project
One of the main purposes of SEHOP Foundation is to develop and enhance the scientific, clinic and basic research in this discipline, and the improvements in asistance quality. To achieve this goal, its proposal is to give support to the sanitary teams in their medical and researching acivities, supporting the different groups that elaborate the therapeutic protocols. At the same time, the Foundation wants to consolidate the developement of the previously mentioned “Registro Nacional de Tumores Infantiles”, which is the only cancer data bank with national coverage and it allows to know the epidemiological data of pediatric cancer. With more of 23.000 cases registered in 2011, this said register is one of the biggest all over Europe.

From a human perspective, the Foundation tries to contribute in the social support for children with cancer and their families through the developement of specific programs. It also looks for children’s school integration and the occcupational integration of survivors. Summarizing, they try to increase the quality of life of patients and their relatives, and to ensure this quality for children that defeat cancer.

The “Sociedad Española de Hematología y Oncología Pediátricas” (Spanish Association of Haematology and Pediatric Oncology) is a non-profit institution which objective is to develope and increase the clinic investigation in this medical field, and to give social support to the afected children and their families. The seed of this Foundation is the experience of the “Sociedad Española de Onclogía y Hematología Pediátricas”, formed by oncologists and pediatric haematologists, pediatric surgeons and radiotherapists, all of them commited with the study and treatment of pediatric cancer.

The goals achieved in the pediatric cancer’s treatment are possible thanks to all the sanitary teams that conform the “Sociedad Española de Oncología pediátrica”, and thanks to the cooperation among the different Pediatric Oncology Units, not just nationals but inernationals. The scientific research is a key point to advance and improve cancer treatment.

More info:


Stablishing Jurisprudence

March 2013

In February 2013, Grupo Geyseco was confirmed as Technical Secretariat of the XXII Congress of Law and Health of the Association Health Jurists (“Congreso Derecho y Salud de la Asociación Juristas de la Salud (JS)”).

The event , which will be held in June 5th, 6th and 7th 2013 in Toledo, is a clear sign of the formative dynamism that our professionals demand, given the growing imoprtance of the different subjects that sanitary jurisprudence gives us.

The JS Congress will have as a slogan: “The legal basis of the national health system: evaluation of a decade of legislative evolution”.

Thanks to all this, Grupo Geyseco is happy to have this great opportunity to develope and to optimize this event lead by Prof. Josefa Cantero as the President of the JS. We have five months of big efforts and work along with her and the Scientific and Organising Committee of the congress, in order to be able to show to attendants and sponsors the virtues of a wonderful city as Toledo as well as the success represented in a top quality formation and organization. 

A network oriented toward the well-being of the patient.

March 2013

We are pleased to work together with a historical institution regarding to sanitary associations since the last January: the REAP (“Red de Atención Primaria”, Primary Attetntion Network).

The REAP, or Primary Attention Network, with Rosa Magallón as the President, have trusted to Grupo Geyseco the developement and the professionalization of a network where all kind of professionals can have place. Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and, in the end, all the people who treat the patient at primary health-care level, form a big group which represents everything that the citizen wishes: human and quality treatment from health professionals.

Grupo Geyseco wants to thank to REAP Board Directors their reception full of illusion and kindness and to wish that –with hard work and new projects- our good contribution will help this network that would defend and praise the knowledge and techniques of those that look for our well-being every day. 

Grupo GEYSECO. The voice of our clients: a guarantee against crisis in the sector.

February 2013

The experience, solidity and guarantees provided by Grupo Geyseco are not just reflexed through our voice or through the objective data. We want to share, proud and happily, a video where some of our clients speak about their experience with Grupo Geyseco and verify our comittment to excellence.


Grupo GEYSECO: a guarantee agaisnt crisis in the sector.

February 2013

Grupo Geyseco regrets about the situation in the sector and shows its support to all the companies from our context that are closing or having difficulties. We sincerely hope that they could recover facing this crisis.

As the thrird country in the world regarding celebrations of international activities, as well as the good quality shown in national congresses, Grupo Geyseco have demonstrated for many years the incidence, value and seriousness as a Professional Congress Organiser.

Not surprisingly, Spanish companies from this sector are an international reference point, even a model concerning methodology. And this will continue like this for so many years.

For this reason, and from Grupo Geyseco’s strenght and sustainability, we would send a support message to all the colleagues from the sector that nowadays are suffering this current crisis.

Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) (SPANISH SOCIETY OF EPIDEMIOLOGY)

February 2013

The beginning of 2013 has brought a lot of good news. One of them is the designation of Grupo Geyseco as Technical Secretariat of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology (SEE).

With more than a thounsand associated members, this prestigious company studies –among other things- the distribution, frequency, determiners, relationships, predictions and control of issues related with Spanish health and with the different diseases found in specific human populations.

From our web site we would like to thank to SEE Board of Directors (chaired by Prof. Fernando García-Benavides) this possibility to work hand in hand with an exemplary association among all the scientific institutions, since its studies and analysis show a leadership in the Public Health field. 

A synergy with international purposes.

December 2012

The Conference Centre of Toledo and Grupo Geyseco signed last november an agreement to enhance and promote the candidacy of international events.

The purpose in this agreement is to work together in order to bring important scientific and medical congresses to this venue located in Toledo, as well as the organisation and management of these said projects would be developed by Grupo Geyseco.

Public Health and Health Administration.

December 2012

Grupo Geyseco has the great pleasure of working hand in hand with SESPAS “Sociedad Española de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria” (Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration) since the last month.

This prestigious scientific institution which contriubutes to improve health and services of care attention for the Spanish population, consists of twelve scientific associations that represent circa 4,000 members. This important Society offers regularly to the socio-sanitary community (both national and international) documents and reports highly qualified and well rated by the national health sector. A great example would be the publication of the magazine “Gaceta Sanitaria”.

We would like to thank from our official website to SESPAS Board of Directors, chaired by Dr. Maria Dolores Fiuza, their trust in Grupo Geyseco’s work, letting us to manage and develop the different processes and issues that affect the future of the Association.

Grupo GEYSECO Prize-winner due to his support in training for new professionals on the sector.

November 2012

The last November 9th a diploma ceremony of “Master ESDEN 2011-2012” was held in NH Hotel Numancia, Barcelona.

The important College ESDEN (“Escuela superior de Negocios y Tecnologías”) awarded Grupo Geyseco for being the best collaborating company of the year.

Grupo Geyseco wishes to thank this especial mention to our company, as well as the work of all the professionals and pupils of this College we have collaborated with.

AEGH, a society with an especial DNA

November 2012

It is well known that genetics is the present and the future of science and medicine. And, from now on, AEGH (“Asociación Española de Genética de Humana”, that is, Spanish Association of Human Genetics) have chosen Grupo Geyseco as its consulting team in order to professionalize the institution.

The Association, chaired by Dr. Feliciano Ramos, has a reputated and prestigious Board of Directors in the field of science. Its aim is to make known its scientific entity in our society, to enhance with benefits the services provided to its partners as well as to lead projects and initiatives related with national human genetics.

We would like to show our gratitude to its work, making human genetics a new reason to contribute in the development and improvement of science and investigation.

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